Seeking information about re-opening a gold mine here in South Korea.


Seeking information about re-opening a gold mine here in South Korea.

헬로 0 6,008 2008.08.01 17:04
On a very small-scale basis if possible,
starting off.  Ultimately, I would like to
establish a listed company with the sole
purpose of locating and exploiting medium
to large(r) scale gold / silver deposits.

I enjoy prospecting the old mine sites
all over the south of South Korea.  I have
located and researched several old mining

My goal is to one day re-open a gold/silver
mine right here in South Korea.

I am seeking anyone willing to assist me.

I would like to create a museum from the old
mine workings of a past gold mine.

I would like to re-establish and create gold mines for
profit as well.

Thank you, and I hope to hear from anyone
with insight, skills-to-offer, and / or resources
to offer.

My name & e-mail address are:



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