Re^3: 복잡하게

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Re^3: 복잡하게

김정남 0 12,403 2004.02.25 17:33






Price defines a fault as a plane of shear failure that exhibits ' . . . obvious signs of differential movement of the rock mass on either side of the plane'.


Normal fault is a high angle, dip slip fault on which the hangingwall has moved down relative to the footwall.

단층면을 기준하여 상반이 하반에 대해 내려간 경사이동단층


단층면을 경계로 block이 좌우로 이동



Reverse fault is a dip slip fault, either high or low angle, on which the hanging wall has move up relative to the footwall.

단층면을 경계로 상반이 하반에 대해 올라간 경사이동단층


Thrust fault is a low-angle reverse fault.

A fault with a dip of 45 degree or less in which the hanging wall.


A low-angle thrust fault of large scale, generally measured in miles.
joint strike, dip, bedding

Price defines a fault as a plane of shear failure that exhibits ' . . .cracks and fractures in rock along which there has been extremely little or no movemet

암석이나 광물이 깨어지는 면, 즉 암석이 응집력(cohesion)을 상실하는 면.

cross, longitudinal, stretching
fracture   Bridges defines a fracture as' . . . a discrete break in a rock which is not parallel with a visible fabric'

Bedding is a surface created by a change in such factors as grain size, grain orientation, mineralogy or chemistry during the deposition of a sedimentary rock

foliation   In metamorphic rocks there are commonly pervasive surfaces defined by discontinuities, preferred orientation or inequant minerals, laminar mineral aggregates, or some combination of these microstructures.

Reference : Discontinuity  Analysis for Rock Engineering. (STEPHEN D. PRIEST 1993)

           &nbs p;      Glossary of geology

           &nbs p;      An outline of structural geology.

           &nbs p; (지질학강좌-구조지질 학)


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