montaigu event에 대하여....

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montaigu event에 대하여....

유재영 0 9,234 2004.06.27 22:53
montaigu event에 대해 다음과 같은 문헌이 있군요:

Reille M., Guiot J., Beaulieu J.L. de - The Montaigu event : an abrupt climatic change during the early Wurm in Europe. Nato ASI series, vol. 13 "Start of a Glacial", edited by G.J. Kukla and E. Went. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, p.85-95.

Alexander A. Prokopenko(Dept. of Geological Sciences, University of South Carolina )가
Earth's Institute에서 한 세미나 "High-Resolution Continental Paleoclimate Records from
Lake Baikal during the Past 800,000 Years" 의 요약문 중에 아래와 같은 내용이 있군요.

[During the last climatic cycle the Baikal record contains evidence of short-term climatic
oscillations correlative with sub-Milankovitch climatic events in Europe and in the North
Atlantic, such as the mid-Eemian cooling, the Montaigu event, and regional changes
corresponding to Bond cycles and Heinrich events.]..............................


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