=========================================================================== This directory contains the folowing archives of the perplex programs, data files and documents. =========================================================================== Zip Archive Perp_datafiles.zip: these files must be placed in the same directory/folder as the PERPLEX programs. ver*.dat - thermodynamic data base files. solut.dat - thermodynamic solution model file. epi.ps - postscript file necessary for psvdraw. pro.ps - postscript file necessary for psvdraw. ps2ai.ps - ghostscript filter to convert psvdraw native postscript to adobe illustrator format, new versions of adobe illustrator and corel can import native postscript (i.e., the graphical output from psvdraw) directly. =========================================================================== Zip Archive Perp_ibmpc.zip: *.exe - perplex programs for IBM compatible PC's. These are console programs and it is probably easiest to run these from a "command prompt console". =========================================================================== Zip Archive Perp_mac.zip: *.powerpc - perplex applications compiled for Mac PowerPC's. *.se - perplex programs compiled for Mac SE's, these will run on the Powerpc as well, albeit slowly. *99 - perplex applications modified for Mac's, and compiled by, Lukas Baumgartner. Because neither I nor Lukas have access to a MacIntosh FORTRAN 90 compiler the programs POLYGON and WERAMI are not present in this archive. Consequently, the present MacIntosh implementation of Perplex has only limited capacities for the calculation and analysis of pseudosections. NOTE: The PowerPC version of vertex cannot read old versions of input files created by build (some cryptic file formatting problem); however if the input files are regenerated with build there is no problem reading them with the powerPC vertex. =========================================================================== Zip Archive Perp_docs.zip: in*.dat - input files for vertex for the examples described in examples.doc. plot*.ps - commented postscript plots for the examples described in examples.doc. print* - commented output for the examples described in examples.doc. README - this file. README.* or *.DOC - these files are the "README" files for specific applications, utilities, and documentation, they are not formatted and are easier to read with a font such as courier. The file README.PERPLEX contains more detailed descriptions of the individual files. sample.* - records of terminal input for the examples described in examples.doc. sin*.ps - postscript files for a review of phase diagram principles. see Document.doc. tut*.ps - postscript files that comprise the tutorial. see Document.doc. vdoc.ps - technical program documentation (postscript). (Table of contents is printed last). =========================================================================== Stuffit Archive sendps.sit.Hqx: - mac utility program to print postscript files. =========================================================================== Other perplex files must be copied from the appropriate source directory as indicated on the peplex home page: http://www.erdw.ethz.ch/~jamie/perplex.html ===========================================================================