제 4 장. Sedimentary Structures

1. Stratification


  ① bedding and lamination(few millimeter thick)

  ② Cross-stratification

  ③ Irregular stratification - sliding(slumping)-folding

                                   - convolute, load structure escape

                                   - bioturbation - burrow, roots

2. Bedding Plane Structure


  A. Tool mark

  B. Scour mark

  C. Bed form - ripple, sand wave, dune, antidune

  D. Biogenic mark

  E. etc : grading





- Ripple migration and cross-bedding

- Flaser bedding - wave bedding - lenticular bedding

───────→ mud content increase ───────→


┌ Physical (inorganic)

└ Biogenic (organic)


┌ primary (pre-lithification)

└ secondary (chemical)


3. Physical structure(inorganic)


 1) Bedding structure


  ① horizontal bedding

      : lake, beach, deep marine - parallel, continuous rather uniform, monotonous


    ⓐ rhythmites

         thin, repetitious sequence(cyclic) - texture, composition 의 교호

         * seasonal charge (varve) - glacial lake

         * beach bed - uprush and backwash (grain size, composition)


    ⓑ upper flow plane bed or flat bed (no movement of sediment)

         fluvial - braided, alluvial fans, glacial outwash

         →sand, gravel horizontal bedding for a few meter scale.



  ② Bedforms and their internal stratification


   ⓐ current - generated structure (lower flow regime)

         * foreset stratification : influenced by sediment texture, velocity, bed shear stress.

                                                         by depth ratio

         → angular contact (increasing depth, increasing suspension load) → tangential → concave

         * plan view

          ――――――――――― increasing flow strength ――――――――→

          linear → undulatory → cuspate → rhomboid(planed off) → flat bed







〈 60cm


〉 6m





Flow velocity

low (25~50cm/s)

high (70~150cm/s)

moderate (40~80cm/s)


high variable

high variable

straight to sinous


* trough cross-bedding ← lenticular & trough shaped sets의 측방 이동 누적에 의해 형성.

* tabular cross-bedding ← linear bedforms의 수평적 이동 누적에 의해 형성

      ◎ Reactivation surface : interruption in migration or erosional surface.

              caused by flow rates, tidal stage, tidal current direction


* Climbing ripple cross-stratification : 다량의 부유 퇴적물 유입

    (ripple in drift): 측방 이동 + 상향 누적

    (ripple in phase: 주로 상향 누적 by rapid sediment input)


* Hummocky cross-stratification

    low-angle and gently undulation cross-stratification

    (dip : 3~6°)

    wavelength : ~ a few meters

    height : up to 30~40cm (보통 수 centimeter)

    caused by storm waves on shelf


   ⓑ current - generated structures (upper flow regime)

         * upper plane bed

         * antidune - stream, tidal inlet, gentle-sloping beach

            (line-crested) → low preservation

                                    (뒤따르는 waning flow에 의해 대개 상쇄되어 보존 가능성은 낮음)


   ⓒ wave - generated structures

         wave ripples : symmetrical (peak-crest, round-trough)

         - wave ripple crest - straight/slightly sinuous with common bifurcations

         - wave ripple - chevronlike cross-stratification

                               controlled by wave size, grain size, wave period, depth of water

         * ripple index (R.I.) : ripple length/height

         * ripple symmetry index (R.S.I.) : length of horizontal projection of

                    (R.S.I.) ( 2.5 〈 current ripple )

                               ( 2.5 〉 wave ripple )

                    (R.I.)    ( 0~4 wave ripple )

                               ( 15〈 current ripple )


   ⓓ other bedding type

      ① flaser and lenticular bedding : tidal, streams, intertidal beach

          altermating of energy 또는 sand mud availability

         ┌ flaser : thin mud + sand - 비교적 high energy

         └ lenticular : discontinuous sand lens - 비교적 low energy

      ② wavy bedding : continuous mud (undulating)

      ③ graded bedding (inverse drading) : a few centimeters

          - distribution grading - no fine in lower part

          - coarse-tail grading - all size but grading in only coarse part

          * by turbidy currents, shallow water, intertidal - sudden decrease of competence

            flooding (waning) 또는 hurricanes에 의해 형성 가능

      ④ imbrication and internal fabric

       * preferred orientation by gravitational field with current flow

          : gravel, fossils on bedding surface

       *imbrication : overlapping arrangement → dip current 지시

          : long axes parallel to flow

                           normal to flow : rolling of clasts in bed load

       * parting lineation : thin sandstone → flow parallel to lineation



 2) Bedding plane structure


   (1) Bottom mark (sole mark) : 퇴적층 층리면 하부에 imprint로서 보존, 상하 퇴적층은 조직이


                                                  : by current and gravity 

     ⓐ flute or flute cast - by current (sediment accumulation : rapid high turbulent flow)

                                         up down stream

                                         turbidite에서 많이 산출

                                 indicator of current direction and paleoslope

     ⓑ scour mark(transverse)

           - ridgelike transverse to paleocurrent direction

           - a few cm in scale

     ⓒ flute rill mark : long, narrow scour(anastomosing shape)

                                   parallel to current direction (tidal flat에서  형성)

     ⓓ longitudinal furrows and ridges

           : straight, long, spaced closed ridge and furrows

     ⓔ tool mark : by downcurrent transport of pebbles, shells, twigs, branches, fishbone

          * Groove cast (striation cast) : linear 긁힘(물체에 의해 파인 흔적)

          * Brush marks

        * Skip casts

        * Chevron marks

        * Prod marks

        * Bounce marks


   (2) Surface marks : all not related to current

                                   a few millimeter ~ a centimeter in scale

     ① current generation features

          * current crescents (obstacle mark) : 장애물 주위에 생기는 구조

                                                                    (stream, foreshore beach, tidal flat 환경)

          * sand shadows : aeolian setting 의 current crescents

                                                                ( low preservation )

          * rill marks : small, bifurcation dendritic erosional feature

                                                                    ( low preservation )


     ② climate - related features

          * raindrop impressions : mud or muddy sand surface

                                                 (a few millimeter) - arid, semiarid.

                                                 (not always symmetric <by falling oblique rain>: ripple-like)

         * mud cracks : polygonal, V-shaped-supratidal, floodplain, playalake, sabkhas.


     ③ 기타

         * swash marks : up-backwash on foreshore area

              (Figure 3-35) : extensive, concave seaward

              - diagnostic indicator of shoreline(기울기에 따라 간격 달라짐)

         * adhesion ripple : wind blowing sand over a wet substrate.

                                       (eolian 환경)(3-36)

         * pit and mound structure : volcano - shaped or pitlike by water/gas escaping

         * crystal impression : ice, halite, gypsum, pyrite in tidal flats, sabkhas, lagoons


 3) Penecontemporaneous deformation structure


  (1) Load structure by mass of overlying sediment unit (coarse sand over mud)

        * Load cast : flute caster 유사 but not distinct linear alignment, no regular display

        * Flame structure : mud intruding the overlying coarse unit


  (2) Ball and pillow structure : elliptical or pillow-shaped (pseudo-nodule)

                                                   by slumping or downslope sliding(?)

                                                   (liquefaction of the mud and mobilization of mud)

                                                   a few centimeter ~ 1 meter


  (3) Dish structure : discountinuous, concave-upward laminations in sandstones

                                * dish and pillar - water escape structure

                                   dewatering → columns or pillars of massive sands.

                                                       (upward flow of water)


  (4) Convolute bedding : complex folding in mud or fine sand,

                                          remarkable continuity of individual bed in convolute unit

                                          (slump structure 와 혼동

                                          - due to gravity only, soft sediment faulting 와 함께 발생)

                                          → (liquefaction, turbidite 층에서 많이 산출)


  (5) Slump structure : rapid sedimentation + slope instability

                                    complicated, toothpaste-type folding w/

                                    overturned folds and faults

                                    from glacial, point bar, dune, delta, tidal flats turbidite


  (6) injection structure : a few cm ~ several m

                                         sandstone sill - concordant   ┐ by liquefaction + loading

                                         sandstone dike - discordant  ┘

                                         (jnjection from mostly below, some above)

4. Biogenic Structure


  : 퇴적환경의 주요정보 제공 ( intrabasinal structucture → epifaunal(in faunal))


    trace fossil(lebenspurren)

    bioturbation ← sediment reworking by organism

 (1) Boring & Burrows

   1) Boring : penetrating of a hard substrate(shell, rock : carbonate) for food protection

       (3-43)      fungi, algal, sponges, worms, gastropods, bivalves, echinoids

                     indicate ┌ ancient shoreline in beach rock

                                 ├ marine substrate

                                 └ framework of reefs

   2) Burrows :┌ shelter, locus for feeding, dwelling, escape

       (3-44, 45)  └ single, vertical tube ┐

                           u-shape burrows    ┘


 (2) Tracks, trails, resting traces - epifaunal

   1) tracks : vertebrates, arthropod (3-46)

   2) trail : gastropod in low-energy : tide flat, lagoon, shallow shelf, deep ocean n(3-47)

   3) resting trace : somewhat like mold starfish

   4) feeding, escaping, grazing, dwelling structures


 (3) fecal pellets - gastropod, bivalves, echinoids, holothurians, polychaete, arthropod, fish

                               fine sand ~ pebble size. avoid shape

                                    (sand ~ mostly)

                               occurs in terrigenous, carbonate

               low energy : lagoonal, estuarine, lake, tidal flat, shallow marine

                                 - flaser, lenticular bedding을 형성키도 함

5. Late diagenetic or Chemical structure


 1) Mineral segregation → concretion, nodule, septaria, geodes, sand crystals.

        * concretion, nodule : amorphous mass of various mineral composition

           radial, concentric

           ~ up to several m

        특정 층준에 형성 - chert, iron oxide, pyrite, calcite, gypsum, others

                핵             - fossils(insects, plants, fish)

              기원            - microgeochemical 환경 from tissue decay

        * septarian structure : shrinking mass → mineral precipitation(calcite, quartz 가 흔함)

              - solution → crack, pocket을 유발 in carbonate rocks

                            →tepee(calcite에 물의유입 또는 결정화 작용,  의해 “∧” 모양으로 부풀어오른 구조

              - groundwater → ion을 공급

              - geode


 2) Solution structures

          - Pressure - soultion at carbonates(evaporite, quartz arenites)

            Stylolite : marble 에 흔함 : insoluble concentration on the stylolitic surface


 3) Coloration → Fe-Oxide 에 의한 Color change (FeS2, Fe2O3, FeO) → liesgang banding


 4) Diapiric structure - salt, mud

  제1장. 퇴적물 및 퇴적암의 일반적인 성질
  제2장. Mineralogy
  제3장. Sedimentary Processes
  제4장. Sedimentary Structures
  제5장. Sedimentary Facies Model (퇴적환경모델)-1
  제5장. Sedimentary Facies Model (퇴적환경모델)-2



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